Moral Reconation Therapy in Albuquerque – (505) 910­-4420

Drug Detox Centers Albuquerque offers ways to attain a variety of therapies to help individuals with addiction to gain understanding of their motivations and develop new skills for healthierliving. One of these methods, called Moral Reconation Therapy, was originally developed for justice system has been found to be helpful for individuals working on their recovery from addiction. It is useful because addiction causes individuals to revert to the most basic human reactions, such as seeking pleasure and avoiding pain, and they often neglect the needs of other people or larger social concerns. Drug Detox Centers of Albuquerque recommends moral reconation therapy, along with other methods, to provide the appropriate treatment for each individual.

Why Does Moral Reconation Therapy Work?

MRT is a step­by­step program utilized by Drug Detox Centers Albuquerque that encourages participants to look within themselves for their own reactions and motivations. Participants learn the difference between the simple wants and aversions of the individual and what is needed to be part of a greater society. The training helps improve personal choices and develops greater sensitivity to the needs of other people. Once people in programs through Drug Detox Centers Albuquerque begin to understand their position as part of a group, they put greater effort toward understanding what other people want and need and how their behavior affects others.

Primary Focus of MRT

Addiction undermines the ability of individual to make moral choices in their own lives. The drug seeking behavior drives out every other consideration, and the person becomes focused on repeating the good feelings produced by the substance and avoiding the bad feelings of withdrawal. As negative consequences begin to close in on them, they remain focused on avoiding them. They may lie, cheat and steal to continue their drug use, damaging their personal and professional relationships. Moral reconation therapy focuses on the moral judgments that occur in everyday life and helps patients to understand how these decisions affect outcomes. Group engagement allows individuals to share experiences and provides epiphanies of understanding. Being honest is a critical part of the training, and the group experience helps to keep participants from justifying actions or passing blame to others.

Seven Basic Steps of Moral Reconation Therapy

In MRT, the participant engages in successive steps of increasing moral understanding through a series of exercises that confront seven different issues:

  • Confronting false beliefs, unhealthy behaviors and self­destructive attitudes
  • Assessing current relationships with family, friends and peer groups
  • Reinforcing positive habits and behaviors
  • Creating a positive self­identity
  • Developing a healthy self­concept
  • Increasing the ability to tolerate frustration
  • Developing higher levels of moral understanding

Who Can Benefit From Moral Reconation Therapy?

One of the advantages of MRT is that the therapy can be used with individuals of different levels of education and cognitive ability. It does not require complex reading or comprehension skills. It encompasses a range of learning styles by including simple homework, group interaction at various stages of moral development and a group facilitator that can assist patients in working on their individual issues. The prescribed exercises help each person to achieve epiphanies of understanding about their values and decisions. These features help to make it a highly effective therapy to help people regain an understanding of their own moral decision ­making.

Drug Detox Centers Albuquerque recommends MRT to help addicts develop positive behaviors that return them to normal social function. Individuals in treatment can benefit from the natural beauty of the Albuquerque setting, and inclusive blend of cultures that makes the state of New Mexico so unique. To learn more about our treatment centers, call (505) 910­-4420 today.