Prescription Drug Rehab and Addiction in Albuquerque – (919) 267-1662

Drug Detox Centers Albuquerque offers help for individuals who are addicted to prescription painkillers, which is a growing problem in the United States. These drugs are widely prescribed narcotics with a high potential for addiction. Without treatment, individuals may continue a downward spiral of negative effects that can sometimes lead to death. At the Drug Detox Centers Albuquerque, patients can receive medical help during the detoxification process to allow them to be ready to enter treatment to overcome their addiction. Treatment for prescription drug addiction requires a multifaceted approach of counseling, behavioral training and learning tools to prevent relapse.

Commonly Abused Prescription Painkillers

Individuals who come to treatment at Drug Detox Centers Albuquerque may be addicted to a number of common drugs. Oxycontin, Vicodin and Percocet are among the most commonly abused prescription painkillers. These drugs are prescribed under a number of different brand names. All of them are highly addictive, and many people find that they have become accidentally “hooked” on medications that are prescribed for back pain, dental pain or pain after surgery. Drug Detox Centers Albuquerque understands that addiction is characterized by increasing tolerance for the drug, as well as by continuing to use the drug in spite of negative consequences. Individuals may isolate themselves from other people in order to continue using the drug or may neglect work or family responsibilities to indulge in their addiction. Treatment can help to overcome these negative effects of substance abuse.

Treatment for Prescription Drug Addiction

Opiate prescription drugs addiction changes the reward centers in the brain, so that individuals must continue using the drug to maintain the same comfort level. However, over time, their tolerance level increases, and they require more of the drug to feel right. Individual’s’ entire focus turns to acquiring and using the drug. Jobs and family responsibilities are neglected in favor of using the drug. The only way to disrupt the downward spiral of addiction is professional treatment. An effective treatment process occurs in three different phases:

  • Detox: ­ Detox is the process of withdrawing the substance to recalibrate brain chemistry. Withdrawal effects can be severe and even life ­threatening, but medical detox methods uses specific drugs to reduce symptoms and prevent extreme reactions.
  • Treatment: An individualized treatment program uses a holistic approach to heal bodies, minds and spirits from the devastating effects of addiction. In some cases, medication may be given on a long­term basis to reduce cravings and prevent relapse. Individual and group counseling, cognitive behavioral therapy and addiction education helps patients to understand themselves and their problem. Relapse prevention gives them the tools they need to overcome cravings so they can rebuild their lives in sobriety.
  • Aftercare:­ Craving, habits and associations can continue even after a treatment program has been completed. Aftercare can help individuals continue the progress they have achieved during their treatment program to keep them drug­free. Community referral to counselors and support groups provide the everyday support that individuals need to maintain their sobriety as they rebuild normal lives.

How Treatment Changes Lives

The decision to get treatment for prescription drug addiction is the most important step individuals can take to begin the process of regaining control over their lives. The process of detox, counseling, relapse prevention and aftercare can return patients to normal function with the ability to maintain jobs, participate in healthy relationships and build a meaningful future. Drug Detox Centers Albuquerque offers beautiful natural environments in New Mexico, with wide ranges of cultural activities and festivals throughout the year. The serene settings can provide the perfect environments for self­discovery and reassessment individuals need to rebuild life after addiction. Call us today for more information at (919) 267-1662.